Why is there a lack of women in the creative industry?

The creative industry has arguably been a bit of a boys’ club for too long, but hey, the winds of change are blowing! More women are stepping into leadership roles, shaking things up in the industry. However, let’s not sugarcoat it—there are still some hurdles that women face in the creative world, whether they’re permanent or freelancers, which keeps the boys’ club vibe alive and kicking. 

According to research by Creative Equals, only 17% of UK creative directors are female. Yeah, that’s a low blow, especially considering the number of women in creative arts courses. So, what’s up with that? Why arent more women in the field? 

We conducted a poll on our social media platforms to gather insights directly from women. The findings indicate that prejudice and stereotyping is the most prevalent issue (44%).

We believe there are other common challenges that can get in the way 

Work life balance: Working crazy hours on set doesn’t make it so easy to have a flexible work schedule (which is not just an issue for women in the industry), plus the limited access to childcare makes it all the more challenging. 

Gender Bias: We can’t deny that historically leadership positions were mostly performed by men. Whilst we believe the societal opinion and stigma has changed around this, it’s not something that shifts overnight. Men have always been associated with leadership and authority roles and these traditional roles have continued to influence people’s perceptions of a woman’s capabilities in a leadership position today. 



Pay inequality. The cherry on top. Yep, it’s still a thing, with women getting shortchanged compared to their male counterparts for similar roles. Recent studies suggest women earn on average 16% less than their male counterparts globally.

So, it’s no surprise that some women might decide to take the high road before they begin right after graduation. Financial uncertainty, limited career growth, and a lack of a work-life balance. 

 But, it’s not all doom and gloom for women – How can we get women to feel empowered to enter and progress to leadership positions in the creative industries?  

Here are a few ideas: 

Advocacy Groups: Picture a gang of awesome folks rallying for change and shining a light on gender inequality. They’re all about equal pay and opportunities, and they’re not afraid to shout about it! 

Mentorship and Networking Programs: Ever wished you had someone in your corner, cheering you on and showing you the ropes? Well, that’s what these programs are all about! They hook you up with experienced pros who can offer support, opportunities, and a whole lot of wisdom. 

Training and Skill Development: Let’s amp up those skills! Specialised training in leadership and entrepreneurship isn’t just about learning new stuff —it’s about feeling empowered and ready to take on the world. Think of it as a power-up for your creative journey! 

And hey, let’s not forget the real MVPs here—women! They’re the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and economic growth in the production industry – just like their male counterparts. By busting stereotypes, challenging biases, and fighting for equal pay, we can make sure they shine as bright as they deserve to. Let’s keep breaking down those barriers until gender disparity is a thing of the past! 



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