New Look


The Beginning.

Create an inspiring brand film showcasing New Look’s new range of active-wear for men. Rather than the usual mood film (how many times have we seen those?), we employed our premium production, publisher mindset approach – to create a narrative the target audience could relate to.

The Happy Ending.

A film about one man’s dedication to excellence. While the rest of the city sleeps, our Swedish kick-boxer pounds the pavements on his way to the gym, before proceeding to knock the stuffing out of a hapless punch-bag.

The clothes looked awesome and the client loved the film – so much so, they decided to expand the scope of the brief and feature the piece in their flagship London store.

Introducing our
brand new freelancer management platform

Whether you’re a business hiring talent or a freelancer looking for gigs, you can now manage everything neatly through your Cavalry account.